Retreat Program

Take a sneak peak at the 2025 Mindbody Scuba Diving retreat in Dhigurah Maldives

Jan 31 – Feb 8 2025


Experience the bathysmed® protocol

in 2016 Frédéric Beneton (Master in Physiology of Extreme Conditions and Polytechnique alumnus) and Vincent Meurice (PADI Course Director, graduate in Sports Improvement and Mental Preparation and Sophrologist) created an innovative diving protocol combining classic diving techniques with mindfulness meditation, sophrology and psychological training techniques for top-level athletes. This has since been clinically tested and shown to combat post-traumatic stress in survivors of the 2015 Paris attacks and French military personnel, with greater efficacy than conventional therapies. Recently, the Bathysmed protocol has also demonstrated its effectiveness on obesity and emotional eating (Obedive 2022 study – currently being published).

In 2019, following the publication of the DivHope and CogniDive studies, Bathysmed Instructor Training courses were launched to train dive instructors to provide the protoccol to general members of the public. WIth over 70 Bathysmed instructors trained worldwide, the Bathysmed® protocol is now available to anyone who wishes to benefit from mindbody equilibration in therapeutic underwater environment and emerge with a powerful toolbox for longer-term stress management on land.

Today, the Bathysmed Protoccol is professionally recognized by DAN and PADI. Further clinical studies are being conducted to explore the efficacy of the protoccol in a diverse range of conditions.

No prior scuba-diving experience is required to participate in the Bathysmed protocol. Join any of our scuba diving retreats and become certified as a Bathysmed® diver.

Worry not! Your first experience will take place in a swimming pool (or similar calm, shallow waters) so that you have time to get used to your equipment and ease into the underwater environment. The protocol teaches you to connect with your bodymind to ease tensions so that you’ll soon feel more at ease and breathing underwater will become second nature. What’s more, we always work in small group settings and individualise the program so that each dive evolves with you. If you have specific fears regarding diving that you would like to conquer, this retreat offers the perfect opportunity to work on them. But don’t go on our word alone, check out our testimonials.

The Bathysmed® protocol will connect you with your bodymind and teach you essential skills to dissolve your stress so that you experience greater presence underwater and on land. The techniques you learn will serve you well, not only on more challenging dives, but also when encountering stressful situations in everyday life. But don’t go on our word alone, check out our testimonials.


Underwater experiences in mindbody equilibration will be complemented with reflective sessions in a group-setting, facilitating the integration of underwater lessons with life on land. You will emerge with a tool-box for stress management in your every day life.

These sessions will be facilitated by Dr CalinaO, founder of Apogee Mindset Consulting – a personal consulting firm specializing in breaking down complex challenges to reveal the most strategic pathway for resolution. Apogee’s core expertise is in identifying and managing emotions that pose as obstacles to an individual’s peak development, guiding one to harness the potential of mind and body for authentic health and success.  

Sunrise Yoga Sessions

Tune into your body on land & start each day with with a Yoga session with Simon Lugan, a yoga instructor trained in the Hatha modality. Each session has been developed to complement your lessons in the water & will be adapted for your needs. Attend all six days of yoga and leave with a routine that you can incorporate into your daily life at home.